Friday, January 30, 2009

Bacon Vodka Recipe

Have you had bacon vodka? It's perfect for bloody marys. Here's a recipe to make it yourself. It's pretty easy but it only has a shelf life of one month before it tastes like hairspray.

Fry up three strips of bacon.
Add cooked bacon to a clean pint sized mason jar. Trim the ends of the bacon if they are too tall to fit in the jar. Or you could go hog wild and just pile in a bunch of fried up bacon scraps. Optional: add crushed black peppercorns.
Fill the jar up with vodka. Cap and place in a dark cupboard for at least three weeks. That’s right- I didn’t refrigerate it.
At the end of the three week resting period, place the bacon vodka in the freezer to solidify the fats. Strain out the fats through a coffee filter to yield a clear filtered pale yellow bacon vodka.

Decant into decorative bottles and enjoy.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Alcohol and Coffee are Good For You!

Taken from The Times Online:
Red Wine. Again, if you read a newspaper more than once a year, you'll have heard about the benefits of red wine, the "French Paradox" and the like. Like chocolate, polyphenols are the key - chemicals such as tannins and flavonoids in the grape skin and seeds that are powerful antioxidants. Also important are the procyanidins, which help to reduce blood pressure and lower cholesterol. Another ingredient, resveratrol, slows ageing of the heart, bones, eyes and muscles and can even deter cataracts, at least in mice. As for chocolate, red wine must be consumed with moderation. Certain traditional red wines from southwest France, Sardinia and Crete appear to have the most magic ingredients.

Coffee contains antioxidates and tannins that help protect the heart and unblock the arteries. It's also good for the liver - one cup per day cuts the risk of alcoholic cirrhosis by 20 per cent; four cups a day reduces the risk by 80 per cent, which is good news if you're on a red wine diet.

Guinness. Makers of the Irish stout used to market it under the slogan "Guinness is good for you" - until they were told to desist. Research published in 2003 from the University of Wisconsin suggests that they were right all along: a pint of the black stuff is as effective as an asprin in preventing blood clots, and much tastier. Again, it's all about antioxidants.

Now if we could just prove vodka gives you the ability to fly...

How to: Build A Mobile Bar a.k.a. BAR2D2

This is necessary - oh so necessary! I had posted before about a mobile bar, but now I can build one! Instructables has provided humankind a great service by giving us step by step instructions to create this wonderful behemoth. Link

Welcome to the Austin Imbiber's Society Blog

This is the official uniform for each member. Well, not really. It is encouraged, though. The Austin Imbiber’s Society is a celebration of all things imbibed for the joy of human kind. We, as a group, find that alcohol is often demonized. If used responsibly and when people have personal responsibility, alcohol may be enjoyed to its fullest capabilities. Anyone and everyone can join our celebration of spirits, as long as they are over 21. We are currently looking for sponsors in the Austin area and plan on working within the Austin community to raise awareness on the joys of imbibing. Ahem, cough cough - Spec’s we’re looking at you!